How to Attack Your Fear and Get on a Scale Regularly

Lets be clear. If you do not use a scale you will likely die an early death. It will likely be painful, drawn out, debilitating and outright unpleasant. So, buy a scale before it is too late and begin to weigh yourself before you become ridden with debilitating but preventable diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Simply getting on a scale regularly, will objectively help you manage your weight and help you identify important trends that can help you live longer and better.

Why You Need to Use a Scale?

Logically thinking (which is difficult for some guys), we need to know where we are before we could even possibly know where we want to go. For example, if you need directions to any location, such as Yankee Stadium, the Grand Canyon, or just meeting your cousin Vinny at a new bar across town, you must know your starting point in order to get there. There’s no way around that fact. You need information to start. Additionally, you can’t know if your car needs gas without looking at the fuel gauge and you can’t tell how fast you’re going without a speedometer flashing numbers at you.

Health wise, doctors can’t evaluate your heart without measuring blood pressure and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN’s) can’t analyze your health without knowing your weight. Most importantly, YOU cannot analyze and potentially improve your own health without knowing your weight! Some things are a basic necessity and a scale that measures your accurate weight is one of them. So again, it’s time to get on a scale regularly before it’s too late.

But hold on! What about all the naysayers who claim that weighing yourself is bad? “It could adversely affect your self-esteem”, they say. “You could become fixated and frustrated”, they say. Well, Dietitian for Men says “GET OVER IT”. You don’t stop measuring your blood pressure because it’s high, do you? You don’t stop getting eye exams if your vision is bad, do you? Why would you stop or not even start weighing yourself because you feel the number isn’t where you want it to be? The only reason (excuse) for not wanting to use a scale is because men are afraid of the number that will stare back at them. Period. It feels much better to just close our eyes, avoid the scale, and hope for the best.

However, that plan is a recipe for an early death, my friends. If your weight is trending up, so are the chances of your heart stopping suddenly due to atherosclerosis. As weight increases, so does the probability of a foot amputation due to diabetic induced peripheral artery disease (PAD). Obviously, death and amputation are not generally considered good things. Unless, maybe for pirates. But to avoid these and other medical consequences, many of us need to stop making excuses and learn to live healthier.

Hopefully now, you will have the courage to attack your fear and use a scale before you end up in a casket. Initially, just focus on stepping on and off the scale at regular intervals like every few days or weekly at the same time of day. It may be a small step, but small things can yield big results (check our blog about Simple Changes). Weighing yourself starts the process of taking control of your nutritional health. The time to start is now. We will evaluate your numbers and what to do next in future posts. If you don’t own a scale, steal one from an unsuspecting friend or buy one here on Amazon. (We will get a small commission if you use our link, so buy 100 if you can afford it). Read Our DFM Blog. Commit to Small Action. Do Not Even Think About Making Excuses.


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