We know you don’t like math, so we will keep it simple. Count your beignets. First, what the hell is a beignet? if you haven’t been to Louisiana (or France) then you may not know about these squares of deep-fried pastry dough, sprinkled with powdered sugar and traditionally served hot. They taste fantastic… but shockingly that’s only because of the high fat, high sugar content. Wow. Never would have guessed it. Like any food that could be considered unhealthy, you’ve got to moderate, even in Louisiana. How do you moderate? First, as we preached before, know what you are eating! Pay attention to everything you consume (Learn about awareness here) Do not eat anything unless you know exactly what it is. And, like an OCD arithomaniac, count what you eat when you know it’s bad. For example, if you dare to have some death in a bag (chips) or some other snack, track how much you eat. Count the bad stuff because that’s the only way to eventually reduce it. And above all count your beignets!